lunes, 14 de junio de 2021

Certificado de participación

Esta semana se va a dar a los alumnos participantes en este proyecto un diploma por su trabajo, esfuerzo y por compartir y respetar las culturas de Irlanda y España, utilizando una lengua extranjera.

martes, 1 de junio de 2021

A look inside the project

 Let’s have a look to our school St Andrews College Junior School and the principles of our project “Desde la Perla Esmeralda a la Perla del Mediterráneo”

Our Interactive and Digital Market

The second term of this year has been different and very exciting, our students have had to work along with their families in order to carry out a research about Dublín 100 years ago. During two months our pupils were discovering more about this city and its culture 100 years ago, they collected information about typical recipes, places where the people used to go to buy the products, the currency and old pictures. This small project was done through different phases:

  • Design the market, a small contest was organised to design the market it was going to be used for the project. The students took into account old pictures from both cities, Ceuta and Dublin.
  • Collecting the information: the children were asking their grandparents about Dublin 100 years ago, in order to get information about recipes, markets and currencies.
  • The children worked with the information, they simplified and they translated into Spanish before they share it with their friends in Spain.
  • Presenting the information: all the information collected was presented on the digital platform “Genially”